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Our page

Our page tries to be the place where all our associates and neighbors know the reality of our village. Also you will be able to find everything related to the local beauty in the one that is placed Ponte do Porco.

This one is the place where will be abled to read everything what happens about our Association, as well as his activities and the news most distinguished from our councill. 

The place and the park PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 16 January 2010 20:25

House of the roadman

In the newspaper monthly RedComarcal of January it goes out an article brings over of the house of the roadman.

Also one speaks about the budget of the park, concretly about 89000 Euros but there is a problem in the matter and is that this money is not available a today and for it we do not know when the work of the park will finish.

Here you can see RedComarcal's article.

The first snowfall of the 21st century PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 09 January 2010 20:29
Ponte do Porco

A few photos of the first snowfall happened in Put do On Porco in the 21st century. Let's hope that it is not the last snowfall that we could enjoy.

The autumn in the river Lambre PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 08 January 2010 16:23

A few photos realized in the part it goes down the river Lambre where is observed the great quantity of water that goes down for the same this autumn - winter.

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Photos of our environment

A walk along the river Lambre

News image

A walk is done along the left shore of the river Lambre, in sense of his birth. We do not know where it begins the above mentioned walk but...

Contorna | Friday, 6 August 2010

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Photos of our people

Visiting Luarca

News image

A few days ago the Residents association organized an excursion to Luarca where among other things we have admired two museums and have given ourselves a walk along two...

A nosa xente | Sunday, 27 September 2009

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