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Our page

Our page tries to be the place where all our associates and neighbors know the reality of our village. Also you will be able to find everything related to the local beauty in the one that is placed Ponte do Porco.

This one is the place where will be abled to read everything what happens about our Association, as well as his activities and the news most distinguished from our councill. 

Cartel do II Festival PorKoRocK PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 06 July 2010 15:25

Xa falta moi pouco para o II Festival PorKoRocK e aquí tedes o cartel definitivo do mesmo.

Este ano teremos a 6 grupos de rock na nosa praia con TRASHNOS como cabeza de cartel. Se queredes ver o cartel completo tédelo aquí.


As páxinas web dos grupos son as seguintes:

The PorKoRock at Facebook PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 27 May 2010 20:27

FestivalYou can sign to the group of the Festival PorKoRocK in Facebook. sign and you will be able to see all the news on our festival:

Sign here

II Festival PorKoRocK PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 12 May 2010 18:57

The  II Festival PorKoRocK is in march and already we have the cartel for this year. First we want to give them thanks to all the groups that offered to take part in our Festival, since many of them will not be able to take part for the duration of the same one. We wait to possess them for the following year.

This year we will have to 6 groups of rock in our beach with TRASHNOS as head of cartel. If you want to see the complete cartel you have it  here, though the graphical design will change a bit with regard to this one.


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Photos of our environment

A walk along the river Lambre

News image

A walk is done along the left shore of the river Lambre, in sense of his birth. We do not know where it begins the above mentioned walk but...

Contorna | Friday, 6 August 2010

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Photos of our people

Visiting Luarca

News image

A few days ago the Residents association organized an excursion to Luarca where among other things we have admired two museums and have given ourselves a walk along two...

A nosa xente | Sunday, 27 September 2009

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