A walk is done along the left shore of the river Lambre, in sense of his birth. We do not know where it begins the above mentioned walk but we suppose that it will begin in Lambre's bridge or even more above. We leave you a few photos of the above mentioned walk, and in all that it is finished we you will report of the tour of the above mentioned walk.
The river Lambre is born in Monfero's council in Sanguineiras.
The form easiest to come is taking the road that goes out of Betanzos towards Paderne and Irixoa. On having passed Irixoa a small port is raised and in the high part there is a way to the left side, put up signs as part of Las Fragas del Eume. Following this way approximately 500 meters it comes near to the zone where there is born the river Lambre.
The high place Pena dá Luz is the highest point and from there the wind mills can be observed so much as the laugh of Betanzos.