The Residents association "Rio Lambre" represents the neighbors of the village Ponte do Porco placed in Miño's council (Corunna) and try to be a speaker between citizens and institutions, the revitalizing sociocultural one and a point of meeting for the neighbors. The Association was created in the year 1995 initiatory how of a group of neighbors headed by Don Manuel Freire Bernardo on the occasion of the celebration of a few parties in honor to the patron saint of the village, Santiago Apostle. The parties had been a success and the whole peopletook part in the same ones for what the organizers of the same ones thought about the creation of an Association with the aim to join the whole people around the same ones. With the union of the people they would have, also, more force their recoveries before the official organisms. The reception of the Association was spectacular on the part of the people of the village, who applauded the initiative and supported since then the same one taking part in all the acts that they come celebrating. The group like that formed initiated a series of actions that continue nowadays with the following boards of directors. Between the most out-standing points we must mention the following ones: - Actions opposite to the official organisms for the attainment of advances for all the neighbors of the village.
- Organization of the parties in honor to Santiago Apostle.
- Organization of sports and cultural events in benefit of the community.
Presidents The presidents of the Residents association up to the current importance were the following ones: - 1995 – 1998. Don Manuel Freire Bernardo, founding president .
- 1998 – 2007. Dona Fely San Martín Grela.
- From 2007. Dona Amaia Barcenilla Iraola.
Board of directors The current board of directors is composed by five women and both men that we detail later: Amaya Barcenilla Iraola | Chairwoman
| José Moisés Gómez Lado | Vice-president | Miguel Simoes Couceiro | Secretary | Mercedes Blanco País | Treasurer | Ana Fernández Fernández | Vowel | Ana Freire Lage | Vowel | Lorena García Boquete | Vowel |
