Video of 1969. The story takes place in San Xiao de Vigo (Galicia), a village with some 200 inhabitants, where women play a major role in the activities of the family farm business –as was common all over Galicia–, and in the process of rural development in the community.
Here you can see the video.

In the newspaper monthly RedComarcal of January it goes out an article brings over of the house of the roadman.
Also one speaks about the budget of the park, concretly about 89000 Euros but there is a problem in the matter and is that this money is not available a today and for it we do not know when the work of the park will finish.
Here you can see RedComarcal's article.
The cabin (la casilla) and the council |
In the last plenary session the town hall decided that the cabin was going to be in use with social purposes for all the neighbors of Miño and fundamentally for the neighbors of Ponte do Porco.
From the residents association one comes requesting a social place for enough years, though the requests of the association centred always on a place at the edge of the beach since our activities centre on this space.
The cabin was an alternative proposed from the town hall to not to reach an agreement with the family Etcheverría.
In La Voz de Galicia of Sunday, the 20th of December, 2009 an article went out in the matter.
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