Home PorKoRocK Festival Cartel do II Festival PorKoRocK



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PorKoRocK Festival

The PorKoRocK Festival initiates its gait on July 24, 2009 with its first edition, and the promoters want with this idea to attract to the parties of Ponte do Porco to the youngest people of the region.

Though its first edition was celebrated in 2009, already in 2008 one tried to celebrate a concert but the difficulties to obtain funding it did not make possible.

The cartel of its first edition included four formations, Álvaro Muras of Coruña, Los chupetes of Miño, Manolito y lacón-fussión of Betanzos and finally the vallisoletanos of Fuera de Control.

Chupetes Fuera de Control Álvaro Muras Manolito y lacón-fussión


Cartel do II Festival PorKoRocK PDF Print E-mail

Xa falta moi pouco para o II Festival PorKoRocK e aquí tedes o cartel definitivo do mesmo.

Este ano teremos a 6 grupos de rock na nosa praia con TRASHNOS como cabeza de cartel. Se queredes ver o cartel completo tédelo aquí.


As páxinas web dos grupos son as seguintes:


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